Sarah Tanner, ND

Sarah Tanner, ND (she/her)

Naturopathic Doctor

Sarah Tanner, ND is a licensed and registered naturopathic doctor who owns and operates Natural Choices Health Care, located in Halifax. She graduated from The Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine (CCNM) in Toronto, Ontario, and is a member of the Nova Scotia Association of Naturopathic Doctors, the College of Naturopathic Doctors of Alberta, and the Canadian Association of Naturopathic Doctors.

Sarah Tanner, ND uses many different methods of treatment depending on the client and the concern. She tries to get to the bottom of the concern and works with her clients to achieve that goal. The more detail the better! She has a diverse practice with clients of all ages and has a focus on skin concerns, digestion, autoimmune conditions, pediatrics, hormonal health, peri-menopause, and menopause. She works extensively with food intolerances and blood work in order to help patients achieve optimal health. For those who have not been able to find a physical answer to their concerns she practices Bowen, a form of physical therapy from Australia.

Sarah has developed a love of speaking through her teaching of research at the Canadian College of Massage and Hydrotherapy. She is available to speak at events, corporate wellness days and community talks.

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Natural Choices Health Care

Reception Hours

Practitioners often see patients outside of these hours. Please call for details. Emails and phone messages will also be checked outside in-person reception hours.

Monday 10:00am-2:00pm

Tuesday No In Person Reception

Wednesday 10:00am-2:00pm

Thursday No In Person Reception

Friday No In Person Reception


Zero Waste Living

There is a huge zero waste movement happening right now. The Tare Shop, on Cornwallis St just opened. It is Nova Scotia's first zero waste store. As a Naturopathic Doctor who loves the environment, the concept of zero waste makes sense to me. I just didn't realize how...

Gift Experiences

Gift Experiences

In keeping with my zero waste desires in a previous blog post, I decided to make a gift giving list that was only experiences. We’ll be doing some of these for our family, but will still be giving physical gifts as well, if they are the right fit. I’ve never been...

Zero Waste Travel

Zero Waste Travel

I hope you enjoyed my blog on our trip to Newfoundland. I often bring my own food when I travel but am not always prepared to use as little waste as possible. This time I decided to make a conscious effort to make less waste. For this trip we traveled by ferry and...

Eating In Newfoundland

Eating In Newfoundland

If you follow me on Instagram, you will have seen the pictures I posted while in Newfoundland in September. Before I left, everyone told me how hard it would be to eat healthy in Newfoundland so I was terrified! It turned out that with some prep and hidden gems we...

Move Yourself This Summer

Move Yourself This Summer

Our weather has turned warmer, the days are longer and those of us who use walking as our form of exercise have started doing it in earnest. Now is the time to establish the habit of movement every day, it becomes easier to continue it in the fall and winter. Walking...

Tools For Everyday Detoxification

Tools For Everyday Detoxification

Spring is the season where everything starts anew. Our days are longer and we want to shake off the winter blues. Spring cleaning is a well known term and typically refers to cleaning out our closets, basements and garages. It is also the best time of year to clean...

Winter Has Finally Hit

Winter Has Finally Hit

Winter has finally hit and we are more tempted to stay inside on a cold night with a good book or tv show. It’s also the time of year that colds and flu start to hit. You can try to prevent these things by seeing your Naturopathic Doctor in September, eating healthy,...